Using a tennis ball may seems strange, but the trick to removing scuff marks in your home is to choose the proper cleaning method that will do the job without harming your floor. That's why the tennis ball is the perfect tool. You will find that the textured surface of the ball makes an excellent, non-chemical cleaner that will safely remove scuff marks.
Here's how it works.
- For smaller scuffs, simply use the ball in your hand to rub along the mark. The ball's abrasive “felt” exterior will quickly and safely remove the scuff.
- For larger areas requiring more effort, cut a small “X” in the tennis ball and insert the end of a broom handle or stick into the ball. The handle will allow you to clean from the standing position enabling you to apply more pressure while rubbing along the scuffs.
- Important tip: The tennis ball you choose does not necessarily have to be new, it just needs to be “clean”.