The alarm came to the attention of the neighbor late in the evening of the previous day. His neighbor, whose condo shares a common wall with my customer, heard a faint sound which he believed to be some type of alarm coming from his unit. After walking around the unit the following morning, he confirmed the alarm was coming from inside.
When I arrived to investigate the alarm was still blaring. A quick walk through the condo confirmed that everything was in order so I silenced the alarm. As I thought about what could be the cause for a false alarm, I recalled the owner telling me that after having the condo recently renovated and having new detectors installed, he himself had experienced an unexplained false alarm.
I noticed the microwave and oven clocks were flashing and concluded that on the previous day the power had briefly gone out. Wondering if the false alarm was somehow connected to a drop in power, I searched the internet for a possible solution. In less than 60 seconds, I had my answer. His condo wasn't the only one experiencing a problem. This particular smoke detector was being recalled by the manufacturer for the exact problem we were experiencing - signaling false alarms immediately following power drops or power surges.
After making a quick call to the manufacturer, the replacement units were on their way.
Now the homeowner and his neighbor can rest peacefully at night.
If you didn't have a HOME WATCH SERVICE to check your home, what would you have done? Who would you have called? Would you and maybe your neighbors feel better knowing someone was checking your home?