This situation calls for completely shutting off all the water entering your home. This shut off valve is generally located on an exterior wall about a foot or two off the ground. This is the entry point where water moves through the main valve from the street into your home. When this valve is closed, water can no longer flow. This doesn’t require any special tools, just being familiar with the type of handle you have and which direction closes the valve. You should practice this to become familiar with how it works in the event you need to use it in an emergency. Turning this valve off is SAFE and will not damage any appliances or fixtures in your home. (When you close this valve, some water will still be present in the waterline in your home and will take about 20 - 30 seconds to drain before it stops flowing completely.)
Hopefully you will never experience a situation where you need to shut your water off due to a leak, but if you do you now are prepared!.